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  • luxury Mother’s Day Belize

    Celebrate Mother’s Day During an Unforgettable Belize Retreat

    Even historians can get it wrong when they do research on the origins of Mother’s Day, pointing to Ann Reeves Jarvis, a 19th Century West Virginia woman who launched clubs that taught local women how to care for their children as the founder. But in fact, holidays honoring moms have been around since the days of ancient Greeks and Romans. These festivals paid homage to…

    4-day Belize itinerary

    How to Spend a 4-Day Vacation in Belize This Summer

    One of the most talked about new trends is the 4-day work week that’s becoming commonplace in the U.S. Four-day work weeks are also creating a new vacation niche for people with shorter work weeks. This emerging trend has spurred Laru Beya Resort on Belize’s Placencia peninsula to promote a 4-day getaway that is equally beneficial because short, intermittent getaways accomplish so many goals: Go…

    Lobsterfest Belize 2025

    Placencia: The Ultimate Belize Base For Your Lobsterfest Adventure

    If a beauty contest for crustaceans was held today, odds that a lobster would be named most attractive are very low. Lobsters don’t produce pearls like their oyster cousins, but they do have a distinction that makes them unique, according to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): “researchers have discovered that lobsters [aren’t scavengers]. They catch mainly fresh food (except for bait) which includes…

    All-inclusive Caribbean resort

    All-Inclusive Belize Adventures Await On Your Curated Trip to Laru Beya Resort

    The word “curated” has been bandied about a lot of late. While the original word “curate” referred to priests of the lowest rank in the Church of England (they help the vicar), today’s use of the word curated is, by contrast, extremely eclectic. For example, art and museum holdings are curated, as are selections made for film festivals that must meet a certain standard of…

    Belize May getaway

    Why You Don’t Need an Excuse to Book a Belize Vacation This May!

    Once upon a time, couples wouldn’t dream of setting wedding dates outside the month of June, but like all trends, things have taken a turn, say Bride’s magazine trend trackers. And given news surrounding odd weather patterns and increases in temperatures, many brides are taking a pass on the months of July and August as well. May remains an extremely popular choice for couples. According…

    Placencia Belize Scuba Diving

    Placencia: Belize’s Scuba Diving Paradise

    How does it feel to sink beneath the surface of the water protected by the latest in scuba diving equipment and eager to see what everyone talks about when they describe this life-affirming experience? In a word: amazing. And once divers learn about the history that “buoys” this sport, they’re even more impressed. In 500 BC, the world’s first breath-holding techniques were demonstrated for the…

    best summer spots Belize

    Experience the Best of Belize this Summer Courtesy of Our Helpful Vacation Guide

    Does the process of planning an overseas trip make you feel so edgy, that just getting started feels intimidating? Perhaps you haven’t found the right guide for the job, because once you settle on a trustworthy one, you’ll find that there’s no need to calm your nerves. Every step you take will not only give you confidence but boost your mental health, writes National Geographic…

    Placencia Peninsula Belize

    The Gateway to Belize: Culture and Adventures on the Placencia Peninsula

    The word gateway is fraught with symbolism and applies to so many aspects of our lives, it’s a wonder we don’t use it often. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says that gateways allow us to achieve desired goals, while techies are more likely to refer to a gateway when trying to explain a network node that connects two communications protocols. Those who consider themselves religious point to…

    Belize Wildlife

    Belize Wildlife (And Where to Find Them)

    Whether you can still recall your mom or dad reading to you aloud from the classic Maurice Sendak-illustrated and written book, Where the Wild Things Are – or you’ve just read it to your grandkids, you already know that this book remains a generational favorite. Why do kids love it so much? Because they identify with shy, misunderstood Max who escapes to an island where…

    Placencia Easter getaway

    Make Placencia Belize a Sweet Treat for Your Family This Easter

    World Travel and Tourism Council researchers know a thing or two about the bonuses and difficulties of taking youngsters abroad when school is out. “The thought of travelling with children in tow may seem daunting at first, but it can be an incredibly rewarding adventure that has real-life benefits for children,” say WTTC researchers. Spring break—and especially Easter—is the ideal time to plan a family-focused,…