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  • Placencia Belize Fall Getaway

    Choose Belize Beaches For Your Therapeutic Fall Getaway

    Can time spent on a beach make a major difference in the way you approach life and survive the downturns? It can, say doctors who authored and vetted the article about improved mental health for WebMD. Will it replace therapy, drugs, and meditation? Perhaps, they say. And since it costs you nothing to sit on a beach, it makes sense to bury your toes in…

    Weekend Getaway in Placencia Belize

    Refresh and Renew on a Long Weekend Escape to Paradise

    The Harvest Business Review is never short on advice for movers and shakers who want to achieve both business and personal success in today’s world, so when business executive Rebecca Zucker’s article, “Thinking of Skipping Vacation? Don’t!” appeared, readers reassessed their plans to keep working without breaks.  What happens to people who think that the only path to success is found through nonstop work? They…

    Belize's Independence Day Festivities

    Join the Jubilation: Embrace the Vibrant Belize Independence Day Festivities

    No matter where you live, there’s probably an Independence Day reminder on your calendar. In the U.S., July 4th is sacrosanct because it stands for more than just background barbecues, fireworks, and a day off work. It’s a nationwide salute to the men and women of the 13 states who fought to make sure that an official Declaration of Independence was enacted on July 4,…

    best destination to vacation in belize

    How To Choose The Right Belize Destination For Your Vacation

    You can toss a coin, throw a dart at a map or go directly to Placencia, Belize where everything you need and want is at your fingertips. Imagine yourself planning a vacation to Massachusetts and wondering if you should stay in Boston or on Cape Cod! Both are amazing but you’ve got to choose one. These days travelers confront the same dilemma after deciding to…

    The Placencia Peninsula Isn't Just a Beach Vacation Destination Anymore

    The Placencia Peninsula: So Much More Than Belize Beaches!

    When considering a vacation on a peninsula, are you drawn to the idea of enjoying endless beach access on two coasts? One of the most appealing (and closest) isthmuses is found in Belize where the Placencia Peninsula not only offers two lovely playgrounds but it’s home to a long list of enjoyments that have nothing to do with water. To experience this navigable peninsula, choose…

    All Inclusive Placencia Belize Vacations

    How To Find The Best All Inclusive Vacation & Resort in Placencia Belize

    If you’ve ever discussed travel proclivities with others, it probably took less than 10 minutes to see how diverse expectations are, even among people you know well. Some grew up taking family holidays and they stick to those traditions. Others are all about finding new places, people, and experiences. In fact, everyone develops a travel style that is unique. By answering these questions, you can…

    Belize Fall Vacations

    Need Reasons for a Fall or Winter Belize Vacation? How About These?

    If you’re a frequent visitor, you already know that there is no “bad season” to vacation in Belize. Come down in the summer and you’ll be rewarded with small crowds, money-saving deals, and no queues at attractions. Given today’s weather reports, the weather in Belize could feel downright comfy compared to temperatures in your area. Spring in Belize marks an end to Central America’s “dry…

    This Placencia Belize Resort Masters the Art of Chill

    This Placencia Belize Resort Specializes in the Art of Chill

    If you’re the curious sort, you may wonder how certain words wind up in dictionaries. It’s the job of lexicographers whose responsibilities are to keep these guides updated and current. One interesting example of a word that morphed into contemporary use and remains approved by all lexicographers is “chill.”  Chill is a versatile word. A noun, verb, or adjective, origins of “cele” or “ciele” are…

    Visit the chocolate festival of Belize

    Belize Festivals – Discover 8 Unique Traditions and Celebrations

    One of the best ways to get the most out of your vacation is to attend one of the many Belize festivals and live events that occur in the country throughout the year. Belize is a true melting pot society where diverse cultures such as the Maya, Mestizos, Creole, and Garifuna each contribute their own traditions and celebrations involving food, fun, and history. Here are…