Since Belize has become the quintessential go-to vacation spot for North Americans eager for a sunny, friendly Caribbean sojourn that won’t require them to liquidate their assets or learn a second language, devoted visitors don’t have to be convinced of the merits of choosing this nation over neighboring countries. For travelers who have yet to discover the benefits of a Belize vacation, a bit of…

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Let’s start with what you already know! Belizeans are warm. The weather is warmer. It only takes a few hours to reach Belize from southern U.S. cities (you may not finish your crossword puzzle), and because everyone speaks English, no apps are required. Belize’s Covid preventative measures are so state of the art, the tourism industry instituted Gold Standard protocols, conferring certification on the nation’s…
It’s not easy entertaining kids these days. Competition is fierce. From YouTube videos and kid-focused websites to TV series that rely upon animation to keep youngsters focused on the action, it can take a dramatic pronouncement to get kids to look up from their screens. Try this one on for size: “How would you like to take a vacation that’s filled with so many child-friendly…
As days drag on, Covid variants dampen spirits and interfere with the things we want to do and places we want to go. Mental health experts have weighed in the consequences. “The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have profound mental health effects,” say experts chronicling the impact isolation and social distancing have had on even the most hopeful souls. Unlike other catastrophic events, the virus…
With the new year dawning, Martha Stewart just weighed in on 2022 wedding trends you’ll want to adopt if you’re considering leaving the country for a more intimate, less expensive celebration. She is enthusiastic about the uptick in destination weddings and agrees with wedding planner Summer Newman that “destination events are king.” Aside from saving money, couples are choosing Belize to escape North America’s increasing…
Huffington Post contributor Melissa Heisler asked people who live in paradise to explain exactly what they mean when making that claim. Responses from people who moved to the Caribbean seeking delight and bliss were numerous, but what surprised her most was this common sentiment: “Paradise is a place within, not a location without.” But suppose you could have both – what if you are given…
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you could extend your life if you escape the winter weather and head for climates that are kind to your body and mind. The CDC details myriad risks northerners face when snow falls, temperatures plummet and bone-chilling winds whip up. No wonder your body rebels! Why stick around, run up huge heating bills and…
People in today’s polarized society don’t agree on much, but on the topic of “best day of the week,” Friday wins by a landslide writes Sarah Lipoff for the PopSugar website. The reasons are obvious. The weekend is starting. Employees often get paid on Friday. Casual Fridays are popular and everybody “is a bit more chill,” adds Lipoff. For veteran shoppers, the third Friday in…
Having come out of a two-year Covid pandemic coma, you and your honey are putting wedding details on the front burner and this advice is guaranteed to make your nuptials even better: It’s smart to put as much detail into planning your honeymoon as you do on the cake, the flowers, and reception! Ask yourself this question: what’s more important than a chance to launch…
In addition to being great fun, there are surprising benefits associated with a friend’s trip — a few of which aren’t obvious, but you’ll find them insightful. Suggest Belize and you’re likely to get buy-in from your entire posse. What’s it like to vacation with friends in Belize? Consider rave reviews from a delighted visitor who invited her nearest and dearest to accompany her to…