Consider Re-Booking Your Belize Vacation at Laru Beya You’ve been through a nightmare during the last eight months — Covid scare; sequestering; your life turned upside down. Now, you’re ready for a getaway. But you’re concerned about your health and wonder about airline flights. Here’s good news: you can relax and consider re-booking your Belize vacation at Laru Beya Resort on the beautiful Placencia peninsula….
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Placencia Belize, Best Place To Travel In November Members of both the Belize government and tourism authorities celebrated the re-opening of the nation’s international airport on October 1, 2020, and resorts and attractions followed suit by reopening, too. News that airplane ventilation systems have been so improved, it can be safer to fly than ever has added to the general excitement, offering travelers hungry for…
There is a good chance you don’t have to be talked into a tropical vacation after a long year of sequestering that left you starved for sun and fun. But just to make sure you are aware of benefits you can only enjoy by heading to Belize this autumn and winter, check all of these off before you dig out your shorts and sunscreen for…
Belize, Open For Tourists, Shows You How Safety and Fun Intersect! If you’re still hunkered down because Covid-19 scares you, welcome to the club! Even seasoned travelers have been experiencing withdrawal systems borne of travel deprivation, which is why this news could morph you from skeptic to believer. Fact is, Belize’s airport and the nation’s resorts have done such amazing jobs of conforming to a…
When the Belize airport re-opened to tourists on October 1, 2020, new health and hygiene rules and regulations had been instituted, so travelers weary of staying home felt euphoric when stepping off flights and being screened because they realized from the get-go how important their health and well being was to Belize officials. How did Belize become the top post-COVID travel destination? For starters, even…
Working From Home? Why Not Do Your Job in Paradise? Plenty of people have volunteered to take care of your pet while you’re gone and even your boss says she doesn’t much care about your location, so the impossible thought that has teased your brain — working from somewhere other than your home — may not be as insane as you think. But if you…
Who could have thought that 2020 would end on so strange a note after Covid-19 upended everything about the way we live? Here’s something that could surprise you, but if you think about it for a few minutes, you’ll get it: Social distancing vacations have become not only popular but prevalent throughout the world where 5-star luxury amenities are taking a back seat to 5-star…
There probably won’t be any marching bands, drummers or dancers on hand when the Belize International Airport finally re-opens on October 1, 2020, but for tourists eager to take the relatively short flight to reach a place that’s tranquil, relaxing and where everyone speaks English, those festivities won’t be missed! While the airport won’t be set up exactly as it was before the Covid-19 arrived…
9 Things to Know about Belize Independence Day Must you be a citizen of Belize to fully appreciate the nation’s Independence Day? Not if you have a healthy respect for nations and people who fight hard to break free of colonizers! Besides, the 39th anniversary of Belize’s independence in 2020 comes at an especially auspicious time: The nation is healing from the COVID-19 assault that…
Unless you’ve been in a coma for the past 8 months, you know that the pandemic has touched everything about the way people live and that certainly includes our propensity for travel. But if you’re eager to know what’s on the horizon for folks dreaming about their next vacations as they wait for travel restrictions to ease, there’s good news from the travel industry related…