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  • belize spring break

    Belize: Best Spring Break Destination For 2019

    Social scientists say the tradition of spring break began with the construction of Florida’s first Olympic-sized pool in 1928. So many college students showed up to party, and a tradition was launched. By the time the 1960 cult film, “Where the Boys Are,” romanticized the experience, spring break had become every student’s favorite holiday. Where the fun is For those eager to work on their…

    Belize Nature and Jungle Tours

    Belize Nature and Jungle Tours: They’re Not Just for Bucket Listers!

    According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, “there is mounting empirical evidence that interacting with nature delivers measurable benefits to people.” What kind of benefits? Huge ones. Spend time in nature and your physical health, psychological well-being and cognitive performance all get a boost. Who knew that a Belize Nature and Jungle Tour could deliver so many benefits? Whether it’s on…


    Time to Start Planning Your 2019 Belize Whale Shark Adventure

    Whale sharks are the largest non-mammalian marine animals in the world, and yet they can be surprisingly elusive. Often submerging to depths inaccessible to human divers, whale sharks circumnavigate the tropical seas of the globe every year in search of food. Despite the fact that they are sharks, whale sharks pose almost no danger to humans. Whale sharks use special pads lined with thousands of…


    Nim Li Punit and Lubaantun – Two Maya Ruins to Visit in Southern Belize

    Nim Li Punit and Lubaantun are two of the most iconic and interesting ancient Maya sites in Belize. Once bustling cities with tens of thousands of inhabitants, the sites were abandoned for unknown reasons about 1,000 years ago and were slowly reclaimed by the surrounding jungle, only to be rediscovered in the past few decades. No one is quite sure what the original name was…


    How to do the Actun Tunichil Muknal Tour From Placencia

    Although the landscape of Belize is dotted with hundreds of caves, probably the most famous one is Actun Tunichil Muknal, commonly known by locals as the ATM cave. Only rediscovered by modern archeologists 25 years ago, the more than three miles of cave tunnels and caverns were once used by the Ancient Maya to perform sacrifices and important religious ceremonies. Some people refer to the…


    Scuba Diving and Snorkeling in Placencia Belize

     One of the top tourist destinations in the region, Belize has more than 400 islands that stretch from north to south along the Belize Barrier Reef, part of the second-largest barrier reef in the world after Australia’s. With more than 100 types of coral and some 500 species of tropical fish, the barrier reef is paradise for scuba divers and snorkelers. Swimming through vividly…

    Belize In February

    Belize in February

    Don’t let anyone try to dissuade you from visiting Belize during the month of February by insisting it’s the rainy season. They’re just jealous that you’re looking for a February vacation and they’re not. The rainy season doesn’t start for months! February in Belize is not just the best respite you could get from the bruising winter weather North Americans have grown fed up with…


    6 Belize Barrier Reef Facts Every Scuba Diver Should Know

    First brought to the world’s attention by the famed French marine biologist Jacques Cousteau in 1971, the Belize Barrier Reef has become one of the world’s most popular destinations for scuba diving thanks to its rich eco-system thriving with an abundance of marine flora and fauna. Here are 6 Belize Barrier Reef Facts that every scuba diver should know: The reef is actually several reefs…