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  • top resorts in Belize

    It’s the Talk of the Town: Belize’s Laru Beya Resort

    When the Los Angeles Times newspaper broke the news that one of CBS’s most popular daytime broadcasts was “coming to an end in December after 14 years and 15 seasons on the air,” faithful fans from around the globe were saddened to learn this news about “The Talk.” Happily, producers and hosts are planning such a celebratory sendoff, viewers are sure to enjoy every last…

    Glovers Reef in Belize

    Glovers Reef Atoll Diving

    No parrots or pirate hats are required to dive into this gorgeous Belize atoll, though the pirates are no longer around to welcome you! According to “Moon Belize” author Lebawit Lily Girma, one doesn’t need to travel to a large island to enjoy the world’s best diving experience, which is why Glover’s Reef Atoll in Southern Belize has become a popular destination for vacationers. First…

    ATM Cave travel guide

    How to Make the Most of Your ATM Cave Experience in Belize

    You don’t have to be an adventurer to admit that touring caves is fascinating. These underground chambers make visitors feel as though time has stood still, says Sam Anderson, writing for the UK publication, The Independent. “The appeal of caves is, obviously, primal,” he states, describing the importance of caves to prehistoric people who used these enclaves for everything from ceremonial rituals to art galleries….

    Christmas in Belize

    Add Sunny Beaches to Your Christmas Wish List by Vacationing in Belize

    If the urge to take a pass on dashing through the snow to spend Christmas at home is too strong to resist this year, you can always shop and wrap gifts early and then tell everyone that you’re heading south to get a much-needed break in the sun before the pressures of 2025 begin. Where to go? Belize, of course. It’s affordable and close, plus…

    Embrace Adventure Travel in Belize This Fall

    Fortune magazine reports that after “a record-breaking summer for travel, Americans are still dead set on getting away.” What does this mean for fall travelers? The urge to embrace adventures remains high on the list of folks who are even willing “to bankroll their restlessness.” Christie Hudson, head of public relations at Expedia, told Fortune reporters that a significant share of survey respondents plan to…

    Placencia Beaches in Belize This Fall

    Indulge in the Placencia Beach Scene This Fall

    If you’ve been preparing for a visit to Belize, you may have run into what we like to call “The battle of the beaches”! This nation has so many delightful ones that competition is stiff. For repeat visitors who have favorites, prepare for an earful of information that explains exactly why one beach is better than another. Do enough research before making a decision and…

    Belize getaway

    Belize’s Laru Beya Resort: Where Last-minute Vacations Are a Specialty of the House

    If you follow traveler Rick Steves’ on your favorite PBS Station, you know that he never met an airplane he couldn’t catch, a nation he didn’t find intriguing, and his fascination with all aspects of travel is contagious. A recent Steves’ website posting focused on Steves’ travel style, in which he was very forthright: “while I don’t budget, I also don’t spend mindlessly, usually don’t…

    Explore Belize This Fall

    Say No to This Fall Belize Getaway, and You’ll Make a Huge Mistake!

    Writer Georgia Konkdari decided that there were too many articles on the Internet and the pages of travel publications that advised travelers about how to plan a Caribbean vacation, so she set about compiling a short list of mistakes people make when they go about the task! If you prefer not to make the same mistakes others have, you’ll want to pay attention to her…

    celebrate your anniversary in placencia belize

    Celebrate Your Anniversary In Placencia Belize

    Given statistics that prove medical care and lifestyle improvements are helping us live longer, it stands to reason that married folks who have found ways to grow together are celebrating more milestone anniversaries than ever before. According to a feature article in the Norfolk (VA) Daily News, the practice of getting married right out of high school has all but disappeared. Over the past 50…

    belize celebrations

    Seeking Endless Official and Unofficial Celebrations? Spend September in Belize!

    Do you look upon September as the bridge separating summer from fall? It’s easy to do. Everyone’s back from vacation, kids return school, and friends have taken their summer trips and there’s not much to do since September has so few holidays. Alternately, September is the best month to go abroad—especially if you’ve set your sites on Belize where low season rates make an escape…