direct flights to belize

Live on the West Coast? Alaska Airlines Now Offers Direct flights to Belize!

When Alaska Airlines announced nonstop service to Belize from major U.S. West Coast hubs, the relationship between this cold, icy state and Central America’s sunniest, warmest tourist destination was cemented. Based in Seattle, Alaska Air and Belize tourism authorities were delighted to assign a gate to Alaska Air at the Belize International Airport. West Coasters began buying non-stop tickets in early June. Alaska Airlines has…

lb award winning belize resort

Belize’s Laru Beya Resort Wins 2021 Travelers’ Choice Award

Is it easy to stand out from the crowd when a pandemic has shut down the travel industry leaving properties like Belize’s Laru Beya Resort struggling to survive? The answer is no – but this popular resort never stopped innovating as months passed, and when the Belize tourism industry came up with a harrowing list of protocols to assure the health and wellbeing of visitors,…

best beach resort in placencia belize

The Best Beach Resort in Belize with an Excellent Bang-for-Your-Buck

When it comes to inventing pithy slogans to appeal to the general public, the U.S. generally takes the prize. Consider the phrase “more bang for your buck.” It didn’t originate on a used car lot nor during a negotiation at an antique store. Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Charles Erwin Wilson coined the phrase in 1954 when he attempted to explain President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s…

where to stay in placencia belize

Where Should I Stay In Placencia Belize In 2021?

If you’ve visited Belize travel websites that have nothing to say about Belize’s Placencia Peninsula, you’re reading fake news! This hot spot for serious visitors with a hunger for fun in the sun, close proximity to the nation’s natural and entertainment treasures, and the location of the country’s most often saluted beaches, Placencia has become a mecca now that Covid vaccines have begun to be administered…

december vacations belize

Make it a December to Remember at Belize’s Laru Beya Resort

If you’re a frequent traveler and know that heading to the Caribbean at the end of a typical year can put a huge dent in your bank account, we encourage you to keep this in mind rather than mourning the fact that you’re stuck at home this year coping with snow, wind and daunting temperatures: You can afford to spend Christmas in Belize. It’s not…

Best All Inclusive Resort Deals Find them in Placencia Belize

Best All Inclusive Resort Deals? Find them in Placencia, Belize

Is anything worse than returning from a bliss-filled vacation to find invoices in your mailbox detailing expenses incurred while you were relaxing? Nothing ruins a holiday more. For this reason and more, travelers are choosing all inclusive resorts. Here are a few reasons why: You know in advance what your vacation will cost and you can budget for it. You’re more likely to add to…

belize all inclusive

4 Compelling Reasons to Book an All Inclusive Stay in Belize Right Now

Not every Central American nation has been as devoted to visitor health, welfare, and safety as Belize, where tourism authorities and the government partnered to put into place unprecedented Covid-19 practices and protocols. Having conceived a list of Gold Standard practices that resorts had to implement before welcoming guests, few earned this certification faster than Laru Beya Resort, located on the Placencia peninsula. Laru Beya…

re booking your belize vacation

What To Know About Re-booking Your Belize Vacation

Consider Re-Booking Your Belize Vacation at Laru Beya You’ve been through a nightmare during the last eight months — Covid scare; sequestering; your life turned upside down. Now, you’re ready for a getaway. But you’re concerned about your health and wonder about airline flights. Here’s good news: you can relax and consider re-booking your Belize vacation at Laru Beya Resort on the beautiful Placencia peninsula….

November Belize Travel

November is Here! It’s the Perfect Time to Visit Placencia Belize

Placencia Belize, Best Place To Travel In November Members of both the Belize government and tourism authorities celebrated the re-opening of the nation’s international airport on October 1, 2020, and resorts and attractions followed suit by reopening, too. News that airplane ventilation systems have been so improved, it can be safer to fly than ever has added to the general excitement, offering travelers hungry for…