Mind if we ask a personal question? What color is your brain? This is no silly query, says marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols whose research into the human mind is unique and unprecedented. It has become his mission to share results of his study, proving that keeping the brain happy and healthy is as easy as developing “a blue mind.” Before you call this theory…
You’ve got a plane ticket to Belize, which is just a couple of hours away from your home base and you’re the sort of person who lives by planning. And you already know where you’re staying: Laru Beya Resort on the Placencia Peninsula in Belize, because you found yourself spellbound by this lush destination the moment you visited the resort’s website. Now, you need a…
Who couldn’t use a practical list of essentials when preparing for a vacation? Got the suitcases out? Maybe you’ve kept your luggage out as a reminder that once the pandemic ends, you will be ready to travel once more. That time is here and there’s no better place to satisfy your passion for travel than by visiting Belize. Where to stay once you’ve got your…
No history of Belize would be complete without reaching deeply into the nation’s roots to find the fascinating history of Belize languages that began with a surprisingly sophisticated tongue spoken by its earliest inhabitants: the Maya. These indigenous people spoke and wrote in a dialect that disappeared when the culture vanished around 1,000 years ago. As foreign conquerors arrived from Spain and settled in the…
Stressed? Overwhelmed? Need a break to right your emotional ship but you’ve only got a few days? If ever there was a time to make Belize travel plans, this is it. Jonathan Alpert did his homework before writing an article for Inc. magazine that extols the virtues of short vacations over long ones. “Take short and frequent trips rather than long vacations to get away…
Vacation season looms and you’re out of ideas. Why not surprise your gang with a trip that has no equal and in turn, makes your kids smarter and happier? Do you want your children to be happy and smart? Of course, you do. According to U.K. child development experts, you can accomplish both by doing what you already do: taking the kids on vacation. Next…
Crowds have vanished. Rates have dropped. Belize’s current hot spot, Placencia, stands ready to welcome visitors. Don’t settle for an ordinary summer vacation when you can have an exceptional one! Heading to Central America for summer vacation used to be a laborious affair. You needed a trunk of clothing, a ton of bug spray and a Spanish translation guide that rarely did the trick. Happily,…
If you thought visiting Mecca required a ticket to Saudi Arabia, we’ve got news: Mecca is a couple of hours away by plane and there’s no other place like it in the Western hemisphere. U.S. cities named Mecca are found in California, Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Texas, according to Geotarget.com. But there’s another mecca you should know about and it’s located in Belize:…
Why Students Can’t Get Enough Spring Break Fun in Belize Deborah J. Cohan, Ph.D. offers suggestions to parents who freak-out when “spring break” is on the horizon because they worry the kids will get in trouble. Does that describe you? Dr. Cohan recommends discussing all daunting topics long before the time comes to leave for spring break–from peer pressure to binge drinking. But she doesn’t…
National Public Radio’s Arnie Seipel was assigned the job of researching Valentine’s Day and what he found will make you glad you can make your own romantic vacation plans in 2020! Historical records prove that Roman men celebrated Valentine’s Day by sacrificing animals and then spanking women with animal hides. They participated in matchmaking lotteries where men drew the names of women from jars, at…