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  • luxury Mother’s Day BelizeEven historians can get it wrong when they do research on the origins of Mother’s Day, pointing to Ann Reeves Jarvis, a 19th Century West Virginia woman who launched clubs that taught local women how to care for their children as the founder. But in fact, holidays honoring moms have been around since the days of ancient Greeks and Romans. These festivals paid homage to mother goddesses who were revered for the protections they granted to all woman living in these ancient societies.

    These days, putting mom on her own pedestal and declaring her a goddess is not going to earn you points, though, according to the History Channel, “More phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year.” But Mom deserves more than a phone call on May 11, 2025. She deserves a break from the responsibilities she shoulders, and if you would like to blow her mind, might we suggest a Mother’s Day retreat on the shore of the Caribbean Sea? It’s likely to be the most memorable gift she has received.  This year, Laru Beya is throwing in an extra special gift for moms: a complimentary private candlelight dinner, complete with a bottle of wine.

    Stay where Mom will be treated like a queen

    Mother’s Day Belize retreatBelize has become quite the hot spot for travelers who don’t want to learn another language, and as the only English-speaking nation in Central America, that’s but one of the benefits she’ll enjoy during her May visit. Book a stay at Laru Beya Resort and staffers will take care of every aspect of your vacation once you book an all inclusive package that is designed to host Moms with diverse interests.

    Do you need reasons to justify taking Mom to Laru Beya in May? Not really, but do feel free to add to this list:

    1. She deserves a getaway that won’t require her to lift a finger
    2. You two may discover things about each other that you didn’t already know
    3. She gets to set the schedule. Whether it’s onsite amenities or adventure tours, Mom rules
    4. This trip is likely to elevate your generosity quotient big time
    5. As Mom’s official host, you enjoy a fabulous vacation, too!

    Save money, too

    At Laru Beya Resort, money-saving specials also make your gift affordable, so she won’t be able to say, “I don’t deserve it and you can’t afford it!” In addition to savings you already enjoy via the package, there are creative options offered by resort management that are compelling. Two of them not only cover the month of May, but most of the year, too!

    That means if Mother’s Day is out of the question because either of you can’t get away, you’ve got until December to give her this amazing gift! Let us help you book right now. Get the best rate by going direct. Now, feel free to let the compliments wash over you once Mom begins spreading the news about your clever gift idea.

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