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  • Placencia Easter getawayWorld Travel and Tourism Council researchers know a thing or two about the bonuses and difficulties of taking youngsters abroad when school is out. “The thought of travelling with children in tow may seem daunting at first, but it can be an incredibly rewarding adventure that has real-life benefits for children,” say WTTC researchers. Spring break—and especially Easter—is the ideal time to plan a family-focused, memory-building Caribbean escape because:

    • Plane and resort rates drop enough to accommodate family budgets
    • Schools plan for Easter vacations so kids’ education isn’t impacted
    • Studies have proven that travel abroad builds empathy in kids
    • Even young children develop life-long problem-solving skills from overseas travel
    • Exposure to the diversity found in other cultures is priceless
    • Kids develop more gratitude for everything they have back home.

    Choose the ideal English-speaking nation for your spring break: Belize

    family Easter in PlacenciaKids and adults love knowing that they won’t have to master a foreign language to travel overseas, which is why more and more families choose Belize for their spring breaks. Short flights and the friendliest people in Central America are factors that can’t be ignored, and for those seeking the best Belize experience, nothing compares to the Placencia Peninsula, a 16-mile-long finger of land offering visitors more than they expect from a Caribbean getaway.

    Looking for the most hospitable place to stay on the peninsula? It’s Laru Beya Resort, where amenities and entertainment are so varied, that leaving the property can be hard to do. Families favor Laru Beya for the All Inclusive Package that covers every aspect of a family sojourn. You’ll agree with their assessments once you browse this web page. Want to explore more? Laru Beya’s tours are enticing.

    Don’t tell your kids’ dentist where you’re going for spring break!

    Spring Break Promo at Laru BeyaManagement and staff overseeing this resort’s operation are parents, too, and they truly “get” kids and their foibles, whether they’re tots or teens. That’s why Laru Beya delivers unexpected surprises during holidays like the newly announced 2025 Spring Break special that includes a Chocolate Farm Tour for youngsters 12 and under.

    Whether your spring break falls in March or April, this experience awaits your kiddos. Not only will they learn about how chocolate is made from farm to finish, but kids take a chocolate making class that concludes when they eat the treats they made! No worries about all that sugar. There are enough onsite amenities at Laru Beya to work out all that energy, including the pool, bicycles, and beach.

    You probably noticed that the chocolate-making tour isn’t the only surprise posted on the resort’s specials page. Parents get a sweet break, too. Money-saving deals offer a year-round advantage, so if you can’t visit in March or April, other great options are available. Sound like a delicious time for everyone in the family? Get your reservation on the books now via the resort’s toll-free number: 1-800-329-2528!

    Contact Us Today

    Email: [email protected]
    US Toll Free: +1-800-329-2528
    Local Belize Reservation Desk: +011-501-522-0384
    Local Belize Front Desk: +011-501-523-3476

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