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  • Top-10-Tourist-Attractions-In-Placencia-Belize

    Do you love Top 10 lists? You should. Top 10 lists save time and money and which vacationer doesn’t want more of both while visiting Placencia Belize?

    When Moneywatch reporter Steve Tobak tried to explain why people love Top 10 lists, viewers argued that it’s a fad. But 10 years later, top 10 lists remain hot. “Followers can’t retweet them fast enough,” Tobak adds.

    Is there a reason for this phenomenon? You bet. Top 10 lists make us feel in control, help us organize thoughts and get things done, improve communication and get people’s attention. If that list got your attention, the following roster of 10 things to see and do in Placencia Belize could be the best thing you’ve read since Harry Potter.

    1. Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary
    This lush nature reserve in the Stann Creek District consists of 150 square miles of forest, watershed, fauna, wildlife and the world’s only Jaguar preserve. Settled by the Maya circa 10,000 BC, it’s a great place to visit.

    Belize Top 10 attractions

    2. Laughing Bird Caye
    The name originated with laughing gulls who came to this island to feed and breed. Though gulls no longer hang out here, it’s a favorite spot for visitors eager to see the wonders of this protected national park.

    3. The Silk Cayes
    As part of the Belize Barrier Reef, this former fishing area, made up of three small islands, hosts a nesting colony of terns. To maintain the environmental integrity of this spot, it’s overseen by the Southern Environmental Association.

    4. Monkey River Village
    This sea-facing hub at the mouth of the Monkey River is known for being “the last purely Creole” hub in Belize. Local guides are delighted to show off the area’s history and natural wonders.

    5. Placencia Village
    Can’t get enough time at beach bars, restaurants, and shops? Placencia Village is the mecca. Where to stay in Placencia? At Laru Beya, a lush beach resort is near the village and a prime dive spot, too.

    Placencia Sidewalk Arts

    6. Maya King Waterfalls
    Travel through rows of orange trees, a bamboo canopy and a small creek before you arrive at this magnificent two fall location. Changing rooms are on-site if you want to swim as are nearby eateries if you need sustenance.

    7. The Placencia Lagoon
    The region’s largest concentration of manatees hangs out in this lagoon. Don’t let their body weight intimidate you. These vegetarians are shy, gentle and protected by a variety of concerned international and governmental bodies.

    8. The Garifuna Community of Seine Bight
    As one of just five Garinagu communities in the region, this is the place to learn more about these friendly people, their culture, taste ethnic foods, bang on a drum and bust a few moves when you visit Placencia.

    9. Gladden Spit Marine Reserve
    Famous for the whale sharks whose migratory patterns include seasonal visits to Gladden Spit, these dudes may look fierce, but plenty of people come to Gladden Spit Marine Reserve every year to dive with these sharks.

    10. Placencia Beaches
    How many tourists come to Placencia specifically for the beaches? Too many to count. Travel writers say these beaches are the best of the best, and if you sojourn at Laru Beya, find out for yourself just how pristine and scenic they are.

    Come for the attractions. Marvel at the beauty and amenities. Don’t be surprised if your stay at Laru Beya headlines your own top 10 list of reasons to return to the resort and Placencia Belize as often as possible!

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