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  • Belize couples retreatLoAnne Marie Faith is both a psychotherapist and spiritual mentor, so when she submitted an op-ed essay to the Pueblo Chieftain Newspaper titled “Love makes painful times more bearable,” she spoke to every reader, and her words are especially important these days. Citing the old Celtic saying “We live in the shelter of each other,” Faith explains that when life feels out of control, being in a loving relationship can make a world of difference. “When life’s harshness pierces us through, love makes it bearable,” she adds.

    Are you fortunate enough to be part of a love affair that is so powerful, that you can weather every crisis that comes along effortlessly? If so, nurturing this relationship should be a priority, which is why it’s important to give yourself time away from the cacophony of noise, pressures, and stressors that can interrupt the lives of even the most loving couple. Prevent that from happening by planning a Caribbean holiday with the love of your life as soon as possible!

    Where lovers go to maximize pleasure and strengthen bonds

    honeymoon in PlacenciaBelize’s Placencia Peninsula is the very definition of paradise, and not just because it’s easily navigable at only 16 miles long and one mile wide, but because it is home to the ideal resort for romantics. Laru Beya Resort hugs the Caribbean shoreline and caters to lovers eager to spend quality alone time while sharing experiences that only the Placencia Peninsula can deliver. Among the bounty of perks couples like you can share are:

    You bring the magic. Laru Beya brings the savings!

    You may think that there’s nothing more to say about Laru Beya, but management offers you both more incentives to book a romantic getaway. Current money-saving specials are so appealing, that you’ll want to read every word explaining how easy it is to save between $100 and $125 per night, depending upon which of these two specials you prefer.

    Gifting yourselves of this opportunity not only saves you money but introduces you to the wonders found only on the Placencia Peninsula where your love affair will blossom once you’ve got time to follow Faith’s recipe for relationship strengthening—no matter what the world throws your way. “Simple presence. Touch. Listening. Bearing witness, soul to soul.” Love is not passive, she adds. “Love shelters. Love envelops. Love soothes. Love restores.” Experience all of this and so much more during your escape to the Placencia Peninsula where love isn’t just celebrated by visitors. It thrives!

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