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  • Belize Beach Vacation

    Did you know that people who reside on beaches enjoy physical and mental benefits not enjoyed by urbanites? In fact, folks whose homes or vacation venues include accommodations with ocean views enjoy the benefits of depression reduction and enhanced relaxation.

    To help you understand how much you can improve your well-being by choosing a Belize beach holiday, we offer an easy-to-recall alphabet of perks awaiting you.

    • A is For Air. Walk the beach and breathe negative ions for improved oxygen absorption and serotonin boosts.
    • B is for Belize, the only English-language-speaking nation in Central America with 174 miles of coastline.
    • C is for Creativity. Beach environments are so soothing, creative souls report enhanced insights and inspiration.
    • D is for Vitamin D. Improve your immune system, prevent disease, and soak up happiness in the sun.
    • E is for Energy, a welcoming boost if you’ve suffered more than your share of cold weather.
    • F is for Food. A distinct culinary scene has emerged in Belize. Dine on the beach. Everything tastes better.
    • G is for Garifuna. These Belizeans live on the Caribbean coast and everything about their culture is fascinating.
    • H is for Hiatus—from your electronic devices. You’ll be too chilled out to care what’s happening in the world.
    • I is for Inhaling healing ocean air, a gift for your lungs. Even sufferers of cystic fibrosis find relief on beaches.
    • J is for Journeys to Belize’s hot spots like Maya ruins, Belize’s barrier reef, and other amazing attractions.
    • K is for complimentary Kayaks guests can use to explore the shoreline during a Laru Beya Resort sojourn.
    • L is for Laru Beya Resort. Located on the Placencia Peninsula, visitors have two beach options: Caribbean and lagoon.
    • M is for the Menu curated by Laru Beya’s culinary staff.
    • N is for optional Napkins during Lobsterfest.
    • P is for pain reduction. Walking barefoot on the beach can soothe chronic pain and reduce fatigue.
    • Q is for Quality time at Laru Beya, the small resort designed to delight singles, couples, and families.
    • R is for Rheumatoid arthritis Relief. Saltwater minerals heal lungs by reducing mucus and microorganisms.
    • S is for Sleep. Spend time on a beach and UK scientists say you’ll sleep around 47 minutes longer than usual.
    • T is for Tender Loving Care delivered in your suite by the Laru Beya spa team.
    • U is for Unbelievable Laru Beya deals.
    • V is for Views you’ll enjoy from the windows of every accommodation at Laru Beya.
    • W is for Water sports that include diving, swimming, snorkeling, fishing, and more.
    • X marks the beach spot you’ll want to claim while sojourning in paradise.
    • Y is for Yellow-billed cuckoos and amazons, two of 500+ bird species found in Belize.
    • Z is for Ziplining adventures that deliver the greatest number of thrills ever!

    Belize Beach GetawaySmall nation. Big happenings. Get your fill of paradise from the vantage point of this popular resort where booking your digs directly to get the best rates starts here. No need to be alphabet savvy to have the time of your life on these fabulous beaches!

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    Email: [email protected]
    Local Belize Reservation Desk: +011-501-522-0384
    Local Belize Front Desk: +011-501-523-3476
    US Toll Free: +1-800-329-2528

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