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  • belize celebrations

    Do you look upon September as the bridge separating summer from fall? It’s easy to do. Everyone’s back from vacation, kids return school, and friends have taken their summer trips and there’s not much to do since September has so few holidays. Alternately, September is the best month to go abroad—especially if you’ve set your sites on Belize where low season rates make an escape affordable and where English is spoken.

    September in Belize

    Summer crowds have disappeared and it’s easier to get bookings, so it makes sense to find a resort offering access to all the happenings that make the month of September so exciting in Belize. The ideal place to sojourn in September is Laru Beya Resort, located on the fabulous Placencia Peninsula. It’s the perfect base for Belize’s traditional September celebrations and other holidays that are equally fun, so pick any time of the month to visit. According to, here are some of the best excuses to revel in Belize’s uniqueness during this month:

    • September 2nd: It’s World Coconut Day so treat yourself to Belize’s exotic coconut-infused libations.
    • September 6th is Read a Book Day. Pack the novel you’ve been dying to read in your suitcase.
    • September 8th is Iguana Awareness Day. Don’t miss Belize’s #1 attraction: The Green Iguana Conservation Project.
    • September 10th is St. George’s Caye Day, marking Belize’s victory over Spanish forces in 1798. The Battle of St. George’s Caye lasted a week, so expect the party to keep going for more than one day!
    • September 13th is International Chocolate Day. Ask the Laru Beya concierge about chocolate tours, cooking lessons, and nearby shops selling treats.
    • September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Book a split stay with Manta Island Resort on Glover’s Reef, home to marauding British pirate gangs during the 1750s.
    • September 21st is the most important holiday of all. It’s Independence Day. Expect a week (two in some towns) of parades, floats, bands, marchers, concerts, contests, and costumed revelers eager to recall September 21, 1981, when the nation was officially emancipated from England.
    • September 25th is National Lobster Day in North America but feel free to celebrate it at Laru Beya’s restaurant and bar.
    • September 27th is World Tourism Day. What better way to recognize this than by enjoying Laru Beya’s Belize All Inclusive Package and add-ons?

    By trading your time back home where there’s little to do for fun in the sun in September, you can avail yourself of a Laru Beya special that lops more money off your package. Who wouldn’t find September in Belize fabulous when offered a 20% discount simply by complying with restrictions? Read the details. Staffers look forward to celebrating your arrival!

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