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  • September is the perfect time to visit Belize as the entire month is one big patriotic celebration that culminates on September 21 when Belizeans commemorate gaining independence from Great Britain in 1981.

    On Independence Day, cities, towns, and villages across the nation hold parades featuring marchers, bands, and floats. The nationalistic colors of red, white and blue can also be seen throughout the country as Belizeans of all ages celebrate the season with pride.

    In 2022, the theme of the Independence Day festivities will be “Valiant and Bold, Proud and Strong! Belize Rebounds @ 41!”. “Vаlіаnt аnd bоld” соmеѕ frоm thе Nаtіоnаl Аnthеm аnd іѕ uѕеd tо dеѕсrіbе “оur fаthеrѕ, thе Вауmеn.” Тhе 2022 Ѕерtеmbеr Сеlеbrаtіоnѕ wіll bе thе fіrѕt hеld іn nеаr-tо-nоrmаl сіrсumѕtаnсеѕ ѕіnсе bеfоrе thе раndеmіс, wіth а full саlеndаr рlаnnеd іnсludіng thе rеturn оf Саrnіvаl, Ехро Веlіzе, аnd оthеr trаdіtіоnѕ.

    Chosen by the National Celebrations Commission, this year’s Independence Day celebration will highlight Belize’s richly diverse cultural heritage with several events held across the country. A National Song Competition will also be held to give both professional and amateur musicians a venue to showcase their original contributions to promote national pride, artistic freedom, and the unique cultural heritage of Belize.


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    On September 10, 1798, a rugged band of English loggers and a small naval squadron faced off against a Spanish flotilla just offshore of the island of St. George’s Caye. The British ultimately triumphed against the odds, and Belize went on to become the only English-speaking colony in the region. September 10 is now St. George’s Caye Day and is celebrated across the country with recitations of patriotic poems, parades, and people dressed in the national colors (red, white, and blue).

    The festivities in Belize flow continuously across the country with each village and town staging parties, fairs, music concerts, and parades until Independence Day, September 21, when large firework displays and top-name musical artists keep the crowds partying until dawn.

    Throughout September, there’s lots of local color with marching bands, dancing in the street, flamboyant costumes, cultural exhibitions, and plenty of energetic music. Many Belizeans working overseas return home during this month to reunite with family and share in the patriotic fever. Certainly, September is one of the best times to visit Belize as the entire country celebrates its culture, history, and incredible accomplishments during its 41 years of independence.

    One of the top destinations in the country to enjoy the September festivities is the Placencia Peninsula in Southern Belize.

    Placencia is known for its beautiful sandy beaches and close proximity to the pristine Belize Barrier Reef. It is also where Laru Beya Beach Resort is located. Laru Beya, which means “on the beach” in the local Garifuna tongue, has lovely rooms and suites just steps from the water, a fun mini golf course, infinity swimming pool, and one of the best restaurants in the country, making this Placencia resort the perfect choice for visitors wanting to enjoy all of the patriotic celebrations.

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