According to an article published in The Harvard Crimson, Americans rush around too much, said University of Berlin Professor Adolph Goldschmidt. “They never bother to rest and reflect,” he added. “They want to see how many miles they can make in a day.”
His words were delivered at a 1930 lecture, yet little changed about American travel habits over time – until Carlo Petrini, protesting the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Piazza di Spagna, Rome in 1986 said, “Enough!” Thanks to Petrini, the slow food movement was born.
Could slow travel be far behind?
The slow food movement inspired the slow travel movement that emphasizes making connections with local people, cultures, food, and music rather than rushing through days in a blur. Slow travel is based on the idea that travel should educate and deliver an emotional impact that requires investing time so tourists experience the soul of a nation.
If you’re new to this concept, Belize is an ideal way to experience slow travel for yourself. It’s geographically small and navigable, everyone speaks English and the number of cultural, sporting, and historic experiences that draw tourists year-round are endless. Adopt slow travel and discover how slowing down enhances every moment.
The ideal place to slow down and breathe
Placencia Belize is the relaxation capital of Belize. It’s small, laid back and home to the country’s best beaches. Only 16-miles-long and 1-mile wide, you couldn’t get a car into second gear if you tried. Bicycles and golf carts contribute to the pace at which relaxed visitors move shortly after arriving.
Ideally positioned between the Caribbean Sea and Placencia Lagoon, both bodies of water contribute to area tranquility. At Laru Beya Resort, ocean views come standard with lodgings, as do hammocks and sea breezes. Relax in the freshwater infinity pool, lounge on the private beachfront, and order spa services delivered in your suite, on your balcony or the beach. Your mind and body will celebrate life lived in the slow lane.
Happily, not everything is done at a snail’s pace
For adventurers who can take only so much sunbathing before the urge to experience Belize’s legendary sporting and cultural activities grows too strong to resist, tours geared to every interest are found on Laru Beya’s tour menu.
If you choose a Belize all inclusive package that’s packed with value, daily tours are included in the price and you can also avail yourself of special offers, so money comes out of your wallet at a slower pace, too.
It’s time to find out what travelers have been celebrating since slow travel first appeared on the tourism scene. Create your own slow travel style during your time at Laru Beya Resort. By saving money and finding yourself amid Mother Nature’s most beautiful scenery, don’t be surprised if slowing down puts a spring in your step and ultimately, adds years to your life!
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