Weekend Getaway in Placencia Belize

Refresh and Renew on a Long Weekend Escape to Paradise

The Harvest Business Review is never short on advice for movers and shakers who want to achieve both business and personal success in today’s world, so when business executive Rebecca Zucker’s article, “Thinking of Skipping Vacation? Don’t!” appeared, readers reassessed their plans to keep working without breaks.  What happens to people who think that the only path to success is found through nonstop work? They…

Forest Bathing in Belize Vacations

Take a Jungle, Beach and Waterfall Vacation by Forest Bathing in Belize

Must you go all the way to Japan to find out how it feels to be part of Asia’s “forest bathing” culture? Of course not – especially since there’s a nation that’s just a couple of hours south of the U.S. that promises an equal measure of peace and tranquility – minus the jet lag – where forests and jungles dominate the landscape. If you…

Belize Honeymoons in Placencia

Find Honeymoon Heaven in Placencia, Belize

Celebrate the Start of Your New Life in Belize Couples so focused on wedding decisions often give their honeymoons short shrift. It’s easy to do. Exhaustion, excitement, and stress combine to create a situation in which the couple browses the Internet, to figure out how far they can go without emptying their bank accounts and voila! The post-wedding trip is done. But not every couple…

Why Settle For One Belize Resort When You Can Stay at Two

Why Settle For One Belize Resort When You Can Stay at Two?

Experience the Best of Belize Whether you consider yourself thrifty or you rarely think about cost when you see something you want, you’re going to agree that staying at two luxury Belize resorts after buying a single plane ticket is a deal you want to know about. This split stay comes to you courtesy of Belize hoteliers eager to give visitors a double dose of…

A Short and Sweet Overview of Placencia Belize

The villagers enjoy the easy life as much as visitors – as you’ll find out during Lobster-Fest, celebrated over a fun-filled weekend in late June, shortly after the opening of the lobster season. You could also try to visit during the Sidewalk Arts Festival, held around Valentine’s Day, when you can meet some of the artists and musicians of Belize’s vibrant arts scene.